What is life coaching?

Would you like to feel comfortable with who you are?
Do you have a dream, project or idea that burns deep inside you that you just can’t seem to get off the ground?
Would you like to change career?
Does it always seem like you don’t have the time, skills or finances to get started?
Does the scale of your dream, whilst inspiring, also daunt you?
Do you know exactly what to do, but just can’t seem to put in into action?
Many women have that idea or passion to create something new, be it a book, a new business or even life in a new country.
The process of turning these dreams into reality can leave you feeling vulnerable. You open yourself up to feelings of self-doubt, fear of failure and that uncomfortable feeling of not being good enough.
I will help you identify the things that are stopping you achieving your goals. Together we will create an action plan that will lead to your success.
As your life coach I’ll be a creative partner that helps you identify and clarify a vision for your future. I will use my expertise and training to help the you create an action plan that complements your goals and lifestyle.
I will hold you accountable and will also identify and challenge any self-limiting beliefs that could be holding you back from realising your potential.
As your coach I am focussed and committed on helping you move forward towards your goals and vision.

NO. This is an important distinction.
Therapy is generally concerned with examining past events and traumas with a healthcare professional in order to resolve current problematic beliefs and behaviours. It can also provide a diagnosis of medical and psychological conditions requiring medication and treatment. A therapist will seek to support and understand how you feel.
Life coaching primarily focusses on the future, and the action steps required to take you from your current situation to achieving your vision. I will seek to understand what you think, and support you in identifying how that is affecting the outcomes of your plans.
I will often challenge you and these beliefs in order to uncover the thoughts and beliefs required to succeed in your vision.